The 2021/22 theme is “Assistive Products and Consumer Products that support choice and control for Persons with Disabilities”. We awarded funding to the following two research projects:

University College Cork, “A user-centred exploration of the assistive potential of Digital Voice Assistants and Internet of Things technology for People with Disabilities in Ireland”

University Galway, “Assistive Technology for Supplementary Reading Instruction for Children with Disabilities: Current Status & Potential for Application in Practice”

The theme for the 2019 Research Promotion Scheme was ‘People with Disabilities Experiencing Homelessness'.

We awarded funding to the following two research projects:

  1. School of Nursing Psychotherapy and Community Health, Dublin City University: “Adult Autism in Homelessness: Prevalence, Experiences and Support Needs in an Irish Context - A Mixed Methods Study
  2. Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability: “The Experience and Risk of Homelessness for People with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism and their Families in Dublin. A Mixed Methods Study

There were two themes for the 2017 Research Promotion Scheme.

The first theme was 'The Effective Promotion and Support of Community Integration of People with Disabilities.' We awarded funding to the following three research projects:

  1. Inclusion Ireland: “19 Stories of Social Inclusion – Ireland: Stories of Belonging, Contributing and Connecting

  2. NUI Galway: “New Directions: Evaluation of the First Year of Implementation in a Regional Intellectual Disability Service

  3. Trinity College Dublin: “Assessing the Impact of Person-Centred Planning on the Community Integration of Adults with an Intellectual Disability

The second theme was ‘Progressing Lifetime Communities through Universal Design’. We awarded funding to the following two research projects:

  1. University College Cork: “Community Parks and Playgrounds: Intergenerational Participation through Universal Design

  2. Cork Institute of Technology: “Investigation of the Universal Design of Fall Detection Technologies in the Smart Home and their Impact on Lifetime Communities

The theme for research in the 2015 Research Promotion Scheme was ‘'Sustaining and Supporting Families Where There is a Disability'’.

We awarded funding to the following three research projects:

  1. School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin: “Understanding Family Strategies that Enable Long Term and Sustainable Home Environments for Older People with an Intellectual Disability

  2. School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork: “Adult Siblings of Individuals with Intellectual Disability/Autistic Spectrum Disorder; Relationships, Roles & Support Needs

  3. School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems, University College Dublin: “Family Carers’ Experiences of Caring for a Person with Intellectual Disability

The theme of the 2014 Research Promotion Scheme was ‘Employment and People with Disabilities.’

We awarded funding to the following four research projects:

  1. The ESRI: "Educational and Employment Experiences of People with a Disability in Ireland: An Analysis of the National Disability Survey

  2. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland: “Exploring the Factors Related to Return to Work after Stroke”.

  3. Trinity College Dublin: “Exploring the Impact of Fatigue on Work Ability of People with Rheumatic Diseases

  4. Dublin City University: “Transitions from Education and Training to Employment for People with Disabilities

The theme for research in the 2013 Research Promotion Scheme was "Community Supports to Enable People with Acquired or Progressive Disabilities to Live Independently".

We awarded funding to the following two research projects:

  1. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland: "National Survey of Stroke Survivors In Ireland"
  2. University College Cork: "Living with Acquired Brain Injury"

The theme for the 2011 Research Promotion Scheme was “Promoting Safety and Freedom from Abuse for People with Disabilities”.

We awarded funding to the following two research projects:

  1. School of Applied Social Studies and Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights, Faculty of Law University College Cork: “Access to Justice for People with Disabilities as Victims of Crime in Ireland

  2. The Rape Crisis Network: “Sexual Violence against People with Disabilities

The theme of the 2007-2008 Research Promotion Scheme was "Promoting Innovation and Good Practice in Services for People with Mental Health Difficulties".

We awarded funding to the following research project:

Further information on the NDA Research Promotion Grant Scheme

For more information on this research funding scheme, including details of the current scheme and information on how to apply for future schemes, see our 'Research Funding Schemes' page.