Public Attitudes to Disability in Ireland
We carry out research and conduct periodic national surveys to examine the attitudes of the public to disability in Ireland.

Disability Awareness Training
We produced a short online training module on disability equality awareness.

Representation and Portrayal of People with Disabilities in Irish Broadcasting
Read our research with the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland on the Representation and Portrayal of People with Disabilities in Irish Broadcasting.
Awareness Raising, Attitudes and UNCRPD
Article 8 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) is dedicated to Awareness-raising. This Article obliges State Parties to raise awareness throughout society regarding persons with disabilities, to foster respect for their rights, to combat stereotypes and to promote awareness of the capabilities and contributions of persons with disabilities.
We raise awareness of disability issues through our research work and our policy and guidance activities. As part of our series of papers to review UNCRPD articles we have reviewed relevant data, policies, legislation and activities in relation to Article 8 which can be viewed here.
Article 8 also refers to 'fostering at all levels of the education systems, including in all children form an early age, an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities.' Our Someone Like Me annual art competition contributes to this as the accompanying lesson plans focus on respect and dignity of all people.
We have also developed a disability awareness training module. This is currently being updated and should be available in 2023. Many government departments are also developing training modules for their staff. NDA also funded a consortium of disability organisations to develop Inclusive Recruitment and Retention Practices, an an e-learning session aimed at raising awareness among employers and changing their attitudes to employing disabled people.