Review of the Children’s Disability Network Teams Service Model – Overview
Part 1 of this review measures the performance of CDNTs against the 12 principles of the CDNT service model plus an additional management and leadership principle.
Transforming Disability Services
Participant Information Leaflet: Children’s Disability Network Team Service Model review
The NDA have been commissioned by the HSE to conduct review of the Children’s Disability Network Team service model.
Transforming Disability Services
Literature Review on determining appropriate caseloads and workloads for Children’s Disability Network Teams
Literature Review on the prioritisation of referrals in interdisciplinary teams
Transforming Disability Services
Literature review on the calculation of the optimal frequency and intensity of therapeutic intervention within children’s disability services
Final Review of Progress under the Comprehensive Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities (2015-2024)
The Comprehensive Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities 2015-2024 (CES) was a cross-Government approach to addressing the barriers the employment of disabled people. With the CES coming to an end in 2024, the NDA has produced a comprehensive final review of progress under the strategy.
NDA Submission to Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage Statement of Strategy 2024-2025
NDA Submission to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to inform the development of the new National Strategy for Women and Girls.
NDA Submission to the Department of Children, Equality, Disabliity, Integration and Youth on the successor to the National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy.