Irish Disability Legislation
Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015
This Act provides for the reform of the law relating to persons who require or may require assistance in exercising their decision-making capacity, whether immediately or in the future. It introduces decision-making support arrangements, a functional assessment of decision-making capacity, and the making of Advance Healthcare Directives by persons of their will and preferences concerning medical treatment decisions. It also abolishes the Ward of Court system. This Act has not fully commenced and amending legislation is being developed which is expected to be enacted by the end of 2022.
Citizens Information Act 2007
Amongst other functions being conferred onto the Citizens Information Board in this Act, it contains a provision introducing a personal advocacy service for certain persons with disabilities.
Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017
This Act provides for sexual acts with protected persons, including acts carried out upon such a person by a person in authority.
Disability Act 2005
This Act provides for the assessment of health and education needs of persons with disabilities. It provides for a complaints mechanism in the case of non-provisions of services. It also provides for the facilitation of better access to public building and public services by persons with disability, and it obliges the State to promote equality and social inclusion.
Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018
This Act states that a school must prepare a policy which includes a statement that it shall not discriminate in its admission of a student to the school on specified grounds.
Education of Persons with Special Education Needs Act 2004
This Act provides for the provision of education to persons with additional education needs, so that those people may have the same right to avail of, and benefit from, appropriate education as their peers, and in an inclusive environment.
Employment Equality Acts 1998 to 2015
This Act makes provision for the promotion of equality between employed persons.
Equal Status Acts 2000 to 2015
This Act promotes equality and prohibits types of discrimination, harassment and related behaviour on particular grounds, and in connection with the provision of services, property and other opportunities to which the public generally has access.
European Union (Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Sector Bodies) Regulations 2020
These Regulations transpose the European Union Web Accessibility Directive and obliges public bodies to take necessary measures to make their websites and mobile applications more accessible by making them perceivable, operable, understandable and robust.
European Union (Accessibility Requirements of Products and Services) Regulations 2023
These Regulations transpose the European Accessibility Act and obliges any company that wishes to trade in the EU to ensure that their products and services covered by the EAA are in compliance with its requirements.
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014
This Act provides for the establishment of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission.
Irish Sign Language Act 2017
This Act provides for the recognition of Irish Sign Language, its use in legal proceedings and the provision of interpretation into Irish Sign Language by public bodies.
Mental Health Act 2001
This Act provides for the involuntary admission to approved centres for persons suffering from mental health difficulties, and to provide for the independent review of such admissions. It also establishes the Mental Health Commission and the appointment of mental health tribunals.
Mental Health Act 2008
This Act contains various provisions around expired and unexpired renewal orders regarding admissions.
Mental Health (Amendment) Act 2015
This Act amends the legislation in relation to the use of involuntary procedures for the treatment of persons under the Mental Health Act 2001.
Mental Health (Amendment) Act 2018
This Act amends and extends the Mental Health Act 2001, and promotes the rights of persons subject to that Act.
Mental Health (Renewal Orders) Act 2018
This Act further amends the Mental Health Act 2001 in relation to admission orders.
National Disability Authority Act 1999
This Act provides the founding legislation for the National Disability Authority.