The Statutory Functions of the National Disability Authority
Our functions are set out in the National Disability Authority Act 1999 and the Disability Act 2005. The main function of the NDA is to advise and inform the Minister for Children, Disability and Equality when it comes to policy and practice for people with disabilities.
We also assist the Minister in the coordination of all disability policies. We engage with officials across most Government departments and in the wider public sector.
Our advice and guidance support public bodies to achieve the goals of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Some of our functions include:
Assisting the development of standards
Producing Codes of Practice
Monitoring implementation of standards and Codes of Practice
Monitoring the employment of persons with disabilities in the public sector
Recognising the achievement of good standards and quality
Operating a Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, promoting the universal design of the built environment, products, services and information and communications technology, so that they can be accessed, understood and used by all persons regardless of their age, size, ability or disability.
The EU Web Accessibility Directive
In 2020 a new function was assigned to us when the Government transposed the EU Web Accessibility Directive into Irish legislation (S.I. 358/2020).
We are the monitoring body for compliance with the EU Web Accessibility Directive. The NDA has a duty to annually monitor public sector websites to ensure they are accessible to all users with disabilities. We also report our findings to the EU Commission.
Read more about the EU Web Accessibility Directive and our role.
The European Accessibility Act
The European Accessibility Act (EAA) is a European Directive that contains accessibility requirements for a range of products and services. The EAA will commence on June 28, 2025.
Many public bodies have a role in the implementation of the EAA in Ireland, and the National Disability Authority (NDA) is one of them.
The NDA is responsible for advising the relevant market surveillance authority and compliance authorities on matters related to the accessibility requirements. When requested, the NDA will provide support in developing guidelines and tools on the application of the accessibility requirements.
Read more about the European Accessibility Act and our role.
The Irish Sign Language Act
We were asked by the Minister to prepare a report on the operation of the Irish Sign Language Act 2017. We presented the first report on the operation of the Act to the Minster in 2021.
Read more about Irish Sign Language.