National Disability Authority Annual Conference

The NDA Annual Conference, usually held in October every year, is an opportunity to share learning from Ireland and abroad on disability policy and practice around a particular theme. The Conference is targeted to policy makers and Department and public officials but is also of interest to civil society, people with disabilities and their families, researchers and academics.

Previous Annual Conferences have focused on a variety of themes such as access to justice, achieving inclusive communities, housing, education and employment. Themes are linked to UNCRPD articles and are decided based on discussions with our Board, knowledge of issues of concern to disability stakeholders, and knowledge of changes and developments in the disability landscape in Ireland.

2024 Conference

Our 2024 Conference focused on 'Promoting the participation of disabled people in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport in Ireland – UNCRPD Article 30’. This was a blended event with the in-person part taking place in the Aviva, Dublin. The event included both national and international presenters and speakers as we discussed barriers faced by disabled people with regard to participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport; potential solutions to these challenges; and good practices in Ireland and other countries. We were also treated to some fantastic cultural performances on the day.

The full event recordings are now available to watch.

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