Accessibility and the UNCRPD

Article 9 of the United Nationals Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) obliges State Parties

‘…to take appropriate measures to ensure to persons with disabilities access, on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment, to transportation, to information and communications, including information and communications technologies and systems, and to other facilities and services open or provided to the public, both in urban and in rural areas to enable persons with disabilities to live independently and participate fully in all aspects of life.’

Through our Centre for Excellence in Universal Design we bring attention to and work to provide solutions, to barriers facing persons with disabilities presented by an inaccessible built environment, inaccessible public services and transport, inaccessible information and communication, as well as attitudes and assumptions.

Increased accessibility brings benefits for users, producers, service providers and society at large.

  • Users benefit from being able to use the product or service more effectively, increased independence, inclusion in society and better employment prospects.
  • Producers benefit from compliance with the purchasing requirements of public and corporate customers, additional selling points for end users and kudos.
  • Service providers benefit from maximising the number of customers and reducing the need to provide expensive alternative channels for customers who do not have access.
  • Society at large benefits through the inclusion of more citizens in the democratic process, increased numbers in the workforce and less spending of public money on care services.

Accessibility is inclusive. By focussing on the needs and abilities of all users in all situations, it aims to include more of the users more of the time.

Design for All Accessibility Standard

In collaboration with the National Standards Authority Ireland (NSAI), our Centre for Excellence in Universal Design has been working with organisations on implementation of Standard I.S. EN 17161:2019 – Design for All.

Principles of Accessible Procurement

Accessible procurement of goods and services can help to meet the access needs of the wider population, including people with disabilities.

Accessibility Statement

Read the NDA’s accessibility statement.

Changing Places Toilets

We estimated the number of potential users of Changing Places Toilets in Ireland.

School buildings

Read our guidance on the design of the physical environment in primary and post-primary school buildings and grounds.

Guidelines for access auditing of the built environment

This guide offers best practice advice on how to carry out an access audit.