Social Participation and United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognises the equal right of all people with disabilities to live independently and participate in their communities (Article 19).

The Convention is a powerful tool designed to help disabled people attain societal participation and inclusion by accessing their human rights. Article 19 and Article 9 (accessibility), with other articles and principles, lay out what is needed for disabled people to attain community living.

It is Government policy to support people with disabilities to live ordinary lives in ordinary places, and to reconfigure disability services and supports to achieve this.

We have developed a series of in-depth papers on individual UNCRPD Articles. These papers detail the main data available relevant to specific Articles and provide an overview of key policies, programmes, services, supports and data that exist in the Irish context. Our paper on Article 19 is under development and will be published soon.

Series of Papers on Individual UNCRPD Articles

Universal Design

Universal design is crucial for the full inclusion of people with a disability in society. We provide advice on universal design through our Centre for Excellence in Universal Design

Natural Supports

We commissioned a literature review and a survey on natural community supports in promoting independent living among disabled adults in Ireland.

Autism and Community Living

We reviewed models of good practice in effectively supporting the needs of adults with autism, without a concurrent disability, to live in the community.


We make various submissions relating to the social inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in society.

Political Participation

Political participation, from voting to standing for election, are important parts of participation in society