Social Protection and UNCRPD Article 28

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) requires the Irish State to recognise the right of persons with disabilities to an adequate standard of living and social protection as well as to the continuous improvement of living conditions.

The provisions of Article 28 are summarised below:

• People with disabilities and their families have an adequate standard of living including adequate food, clothing, and housing;

• People with disabilities have a right to social protection programmes and poverty reduction programmes;

• People with disabilities have access to clean water and to appropriate and affordable services, devices and other assistance;

• People with disabilities living in poverty have assistance with disability-related expenses including adequate training, counselling, financial assistance, and respite care; and

• People with disabilities have access to public housing and to retirement benefits and programmes.

We developed a series of in-depth papers on individual UNCRPD Articles. These papers detail the main data available relevant to specific Articles and provide an overview of key policies, programmes, services, supports and data that exist in the Irish context.

Our paper on Article 27 outlines the main policies, programmes, services, supports and data available on employment in Ireland.

Read our series of papers on individual UNCRPD Articles