Universal Design Guidelines for Early Learning and Care Settings

We published Universal Design Guidelines for Early Learning and Care Settings (2019) with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. It offers guidance on the refurbishment, renovation and the building of centres for Early Learning and Care (ELC) in Ireland from a Universal Design approach.
The guidelines support the Access and Inclusion Model (AIM), a programme of universal and targeted support for children with disabilities in ECCE. We are moving on to the next stage with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability Integration and Youth developing a series of e-Learning modules to promote this guidance among relevant professionals.
More information is available on our Centre for Excellence in Universal Design site.
Improving the Accessibility of School Buildings
We published guidance in 2012 on the design of the physical environment in primary and post-primary school buildings and grounds so they’re easy for everyone to use, including students with disabilities.
This guidance helps boards of management, school principals, teaching staff, parents and built environment design professionals to understand the barriers that the built environment often presents to students with disabilities, and to overcome these barriers.
Read the full 'Improving the Accessibility of School Buildings' report.
Universal Design Education Modules
The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) has delivered a range of projects to support the development of education modules on Universal Design in primary, secondary and third-level, as well as Continued Professional Development (CPD).
This is guided by research and collaborative working with education bodies, and its role in delivering lectures in colleges and institutes to build an understanding of Universal Design.
For more information, visit the Universal Design in Education page on the CEUD website.