Understanding Emotional, Psychological and Mental Health Disability in Ireland: Factors Facilitating Social Inclusion

This 2014 commissioned report conducted by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and funded by the NDA, used data from the National Disability Survey 2006 to look at people with enduring emotional, psychological and mental health disability and the barriers that they faced in participating in society.

The study highlights the interlinkages between physical disability and mental ill-health, illustrating the importance of physical disability services supporting people in relation to mental health, and of mental health services linking in with supports for physical disability.

The research highlighted stigma as a significant barrier for those with mental health conditions.

The 'Understanding Emotional, Psychological and Mental Health (EPMH) Disability in Ireland: Factors Facilitating Social Inclusion' report was published on the ESRI website.

Review of Access to Mental Health Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities

This 2003 Review of Access to Mental Health Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities looked at the need for services for people with an intellectual disability and a mental health issue.

Mental Health Policy Submissions

We have made policy submissions on Vision for Change and Sharing the Vision and on the review of the Mental Health Act, 2001.

Read our Submission to the Vision for Change Monitoring Group 2012.

Read our Submission on the Review of the Mental Health Act 2001.

Engagement with the Mental Health Commission Around Issues such as the Use of Restraint

We engaged with the Mental Health Commission in 2022 regarding the use of restraint and provided information and advice.