Promoting the Participation of People with Disabilities in Physical Activity and Sport in Ireland

The NDA report 'Promoting the participation of people with disabilities in physical activity and sport in Ireland' from 2005, is based on research undertaken with the purpose of informing a wide audience on current provision of sport and physical activity opportunities for people with disabilities and on how participation in quality experiences might be increased.

This report highlights issues that need to be addressed if everyone is to attain their potential in and through physical activity/sport. It outlines how participation can be increased and, critically, how to ensure that people with disabilities experience quality physical activity/sport.

The report highlights the need for all stakeholders to work across structures and organisations in order to formulate and implement strategies that will ensure quality experiences in sport/physical activity for people with disabilities.

Physical Activity, Health and Quality of Life among People with Disabilities

The 'Physical Activity, Health and Quality of Life among People with Disabilities' report presents the findings from secondary data analysis of the National SLÁN (Surveys of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition) datasets from 1998 and 2002. The analysis explored physical activity, self-reported health, quality of life (QOL) and disability in a representative sample of the Irish population.

The School of Public Health and Population Science in University College Dublin, in conjunction with the National Disability Authority carried out the research.