We make various submissions on housing and environment matters relating to disabled people.

The NDA is generally supportive of sustainable and compact growth as set out in the consultation paper, and the benefits it can bring, in particular for older and disabled people in having improved access to public transport and local services and living and remaining in their own communities as they move through the different stages of life.

However, we remain concerned about the detail of the draft guidelines, including the proposed changes in housing standards. Socially sustainable housing development needs to be addressed at both the scale of the neighbourhood and the individual dwelling. There is no information or analysis in the draft guidelines on the impact that these proposals will have on the provision of accessible housing, suitable for disabled and older people and families with young children.

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August 2022

NDA Submission on the Housing Adaptation Grant Scheme Review

Read the submission

June 2022

NDA Submission on Draft National Sustainable Development Goals National Implementation Plan 2022 - 2024

Read the submission