HIQA 10 year review report
On November 26 the NDA attended the launch of a HIQA report which looks back on the last 10 years of regulation of designated centres for persons with disabilities.
Consultation on a Potential National Disability Survey: Have your say.
NDA and HSE jointly published two effective practice documents related to deinstitutionalisation.
Launch of the NDA Strategic Plan 2025-2027
Under our legislation we are required to develop a Strategic Plan every three years. Our Strategic Plan 2025-2027 is now available to read.
NDA 2024 Annual Conference
24 October 2024: 'Promoting the participation of disabled people in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport in Ireland – UNCRPD Article 30’.
NDA participates in ESRI panel discussion on disability prevalence in young people.
Briefing from Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre
Ireland to ratify the Optional Protocol to the UNCRPD
On 8 October 2024, Government approved ratification of the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Universal Design Grand Challenge Awards Nights 2024 registration now open
The Universal Design Grand Challenge (UDGC) is a competition that promotes and awards excellence in student projects that feature solutions that work for everyone. We invite third level students in their final two years of study to enter their best project which demonstrates the use of the Principles of Universal Design.