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We make various submissions on the social inclusion and participation of disabled people in society.
August 2023: NDA Submission to Dublin City Council Sports Plan 2023-28
October 2022: NDA Submission on the Roadmap for Social Inclusion: Mid-Term Review
May 2023: NDA Submission to Department of Social Protection on Changes to Social Welfare Regulations
February 2023: NDA Submission to the Department of Social Protection on the Pay-Related Job Seekers Benefit
April 2023: NDA Submission on Statement of Strategy 2023-2025 for Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
August 2024: NDA Submission to Coimisiún na Meán concerning the Draft Access Rules for Television Broadcasting Services
August 2024: NDA Submission to Coimisiún na Meán concerning the Draft Audiovisual On-Demand Media Service Code & Rules
September 2024: NDA Submission to Coimisiún na Meán concerning the Draft Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality in News and Current Affairs
July 2024: NDA Submission to the Department of Children, Equality, Disabliity, Integration and Youth on the successor to the National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy.
September 2024: NDA Submission to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to inform the development of the new National Strategy for Women and Girls.