NDA Submission to An Garda Siochana Older Person Strategy

In our submission, the NDA raised a number of important points to consider, including:

  • Recognising the intersectional identities of disabled older persons and addressing the particular elements faced by people within this group
  • Ensuring a good understanding of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the specific Articles which place obligations on An Garda Síochána
  • Noting ongoing obligations on An Garda Síochána under the National Disability Inclusion Strategy
  • Emphasising and explaining the need for accessibility in the build environment, communications and information provision
  • Identifying the greater risk persons with disabilities, and older persons with disabilities are subject to, in terms of abuse and violence, especially financial abuse
  • Reminding An Garda Síochána of ongoing work in respect of a regulatory framework for adult safeguarding, and the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015, both of which may impact policing
  • Highlighting the opportunity to build in commitments to the collection and dissemination of relevant data, which will in turn assist future decision-making and policy-making.

NDA Submission to An Garda Siochana Older Person Strategy (Word)

Word (2022)


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