About this review

Under Part 5 of the Disability Act 2005, the National Disability Authority (NDA) has a statutory role to monitor the employment of persons with disability in the public sector.

In 2019, we commissioned an external contractor Steelesrock Ltd. to conduct a review of the Part 5 process that was in place, along with guiding the revision and the implementation of a more streamlined, efficient and use friendly process. The aim of this review was to help us to gather richer data on the measures public bodies have in place to meet their obligations under Part 5.

We have now produced a paper detailing the research findings developed as part of the Review and setting out recommendations for next steps. This paper also contains a foreword that provides updated information regarding the recommendations that we have implemented to date and our plans to implement key recommendations in the near future.

A Technical Background document detailing the work produced by Steelesrock is available on request.

National Disability Authority Review of Part 5 2022

Word (2022)


1.086 MB