Registration is free for all webinars. To register via Zoom, visit the link here.

Webinar One: Building for Everyone: Introduction to Universal Design

17th September 2024, 12.30-13.30 with Ruth O’Reilly, Centre for Excellence in Universal Design

Webinar Two: Beyond Part M: Universal Design and Accessibility Legislation

1st October 2024, 12.30-13.30 with Tom Grey, TrinityHaus

Webinar Three: Inclusive Steps: Universal Design for Stairs

15th October 2024, 12.30-13.30 with Nicola Ryan, Studio Red Architects

Webinar Four: Welcoming All: Universal Design for Doorways

22nd October 2024, 12.30-13.30 with Eoin O’Herlihy, O’Herlihy Access Consultancy

CPD Certificates are available for these events.

Attendees can register to attend one or more of the webinars. CPD Certificates are available to those who attend on the day for each webinar.

ISL Interpretation and Captions will be available at these events.

The webinars will be recorded. As an attendee you will not be visible to other attendees and will not be recorded.

If you have a query, please email

For more information on the webinars and speakers, please visit our Centre for Excellence in Universal Design website.