UNCRPD Article Reviews

The NDA has developed a series of papers on individual United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) Articles, setting out the relevant data, information and statistics in relation to the various topics covered. These papers, developed through desk research, provide a factual overview of key policies, programmes, services, supports and data that exist in the Irish context relevant to each Article. They are not a critique of what is currently in place but rather a collation of what information exists with some reference to gaps or issues needing to be addressed.

The papers were initially developed to support the development of the State Party report to the UNCRPD Committee and for internal use within the NDA, in line with our role to assist in the development of statistical information relevant to disability (NDA Act 1999, Section 8.1b). They are also intended to be used to support the NDA’s anticipated new statutory function to support the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) in their development of the State’s parallel report to the UNCRPD Committee. They may also be of use to a wider audience with an interest in disability or the UNCRPD.

The Articles completed to date are:

  • Article 6: Women with Disabilities
  • Article 7: Children with disabilities
  • Article 8: Awareness raising
  • Article 13: Access to Justice
  • Article 16: Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse
  • Article 19: Living Independently and being included in the community
  • Article 21: Right to Freedom of Expression and Opinion and Access to Information
  • Article 24: Education
  • Article 25: Health
  • Article 27: Employment and work
  • Article 28: Adequate standard of living and social protection
  • Article 29: Participation in political and public life
  • Article 31: Statistic and data collection

The NDA recognises that the changing nature of policies, programmes, services, supports and data will require these papers to be updated periodically to reflect any changes. The papers are not intended to be exhaustive but seek to provide a broad overview of the information of relevance to each Article.

More Article review papers are being developed.

NDA Review Paper on UNCRPD Article 6: Women with Disabilities

Word (2021)


130.799 KB

NDA Review Paper on UNCRPD Article 7: Children with disabilities

Word (2020)


144.641 KB

NDA Review Paper on UNCRPD Article 8: Awareness raising

Word (2020)


167.519 KB

NDA Review of Paper on UNCRPD Article 13: Access to Justice

Word (2022)


133.147 KB

NDA Review Paper on UNCRPD Article 16: Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse

Word (2022)


308.734 KB

Overview of UNCRPD Article 19: Living independently and being included in the community

Word (2022)


181.791 KB

NDA Review Paper on UNCRPD Article 21: Right to Freedom of Expression and Opinion and Access to Information

Word (2022)


120.508 KB

Overview of UNCRPD Article 24: Education

Word (2022)


1.182 MB

NDA Review Paper on UNCRPD Article 25: Health

Word (2021)


237.532 KB

NDA Review Paper on UNCRPD Article 27: Employment and work

Word (2020)


166.116 KB

NDA Review Paper on UNCRPD Article 28: Adequate standard of living and social protection

Word (2021)


118.641 KB

NDA Review Paper on UNCRPD Article 29: Participation in political and public life

Word (2023)


144.476 KB

NDA Review Paper on UNCRPD Article 31: Statistic and data collection

Word (2020)


190.304 KB